Looking for a quick successful fundraiser? How about an Art Party?
Needle Felted Color Wheel Paint Pallet Headbands
Doesn't every art teacher need one of these? I think so! Its even better when you have half of your school wearing them! We created these during an after school art party as a quick fundraiser for the art department. Here are the quick easy steps we used to make these adorable paint pallet headbands. I first started by prepping the materials, I made a really simple paint pallet tracer to trace the felt and cut it out. You could have your students do this part but I wasn't sure how we would be doing time wise. I then took old posters and created a smaller paint pallet shape to sandwich between the two felt pieces. The first thing I had the kids do was lay out the roving in the order they wanted it. Once students were done needle felting we had them decide how they wanted the pallet to lay on their head then taped the poster board pallet to the head band. We put tacky fabric glue around the edge of the bottom piece of felt. Attached the top piece of felt and taped edges to make sure it stayed in place while it dried.
The last thing we did was take E6000 glue to attache the paint brush to the pallet. This was a super easy super fun event that the kids really enjoyed. Starbucks in not included but highly recommended during the making of this project.
Warm and Cool Colored Seahorses
Thought I would share one of my favorite lessons with 1st grade. It incorporates two of my favorite things seahorses and COLOR! On the first day of the project the students get to do shaving cream marbling and they LOVE it. I have created a flow chart of some tips and tricks I have discovered when marbling with shaving cream.
The second day we read Mister Seahorse by Eric Carle and talk about the warm and cool colors he uses in the book. We then trace and cut out our seahorses. Glue down to a warm or cool colored piece of construction paper and bubble cut it out!
Day 3 we talked about the different parts of the seahorse and used Jack Richards Playcolors to add trunk and tail rings. We used bulletin board border cut into 4 inch pieces for the dorsal fin and added a wiggly eye. For the final touch a dash of glitter and pow you have some pretty adorable seahorses.
Shades of Love
Tinted n' Shaded Hearts with Kindergarten
Are you looking for a quick painless one day lesson for February? I love these Tinted n' Shaded Hearts with Kindergarten. I started this lesson by reading the book Mix it Up! By Henre Tullet. This was a perfect book to review color mixing and introduce tints and shades, and the kids loved it! For this project the kids used tempera cakes and had a blast mixing all different kids of tints and shades to add designs and patterns to pre-cut out hearts. To add a little extra detail I had the kids use forks and white paint on red paper to create a textured boarder. Quick and painless great results and the kids had a blast talk about a win win!
A visit from Nasco
We are so lucky to live in the same state that Nasco's based out of! We recently had a visit from the amazing Nasco representative Eileen Schwenn. Eileen was able to bring a class set of their brand new mono print plates. I have been wanting to incorporate Mono printing into my curriculum but could not justify purchasing the Gelli plates. Nasco has developed a plate similar to the Gelli plates but it is much more durable and the price is right! My 3rd and 4th grade students got to spend their 40 minute class playing and experimenting with these new plates. Let me tell you my student teacher and I were making just as many ohh's and ahhhh's as the students. It was so fun getting to see the students play and experiment with these amazing products.
It was such a blast seeing the kids enjoying themselves during Eileen's visit but one of the bests parts was the goodie bags that Eileen left with us. Eileen left the entire class set of mono plates, paint, and paper! She also gave each art teacher a goodie bag filled with samples of new products and Cray-pens!!!!! I might go as far to say that it was even better than Christmas. Eileen was also very excited to get suggestions for products from us and man did we have a list. I highly recommend you contact your Nasco representative and get them to come visit you. It will definitely be a highlight of my school year.
Looking for a quick successful fundraiser? How about an art party?
I, along with many other art teachers have been inspired by the amazing Cassie Stephens and her passion for needle felting. I took the leap this year and decided to order the needle felting kit from NASCO. Before I started working on developing a unit for my 4th graders I thought my student teacher and I should have some fun and learn a little bit more about the medium. Inspired by the many adorable hair clips that Cassie has created we decided to make ourselves a paint pallet head band!
We ended up wearing our headbands to school on a Friday and man were they a hit all of our young lady students could not say enough about them. We had lots of students coming to us asking if they could make one. Knowing that not ALL of our students would be a big fan of the project we decided to make it into a fundraising opportunity for the art department.

Our first party was with the 4th and 5th graders we had about 18 students sign up to stay after school and make some art. We provide some fun snacks and hot cocoa for the kids to sip on while they worked. We charged each student $12 to participate. They loved it and are asking for more! I am currently working on creating an art party directed more towards the male audience and playing with the idea of doing something with Minecraft or Legos. I am also working on doing a Family Night art party. So excited for the possibilities for our Art Parties.