I Tweet you Tweet we all Tweet Together
As an art teacher I wanted to share with you why I love Twitter so much! In many cases you are often the only art teacher in your school and some times in your entire district. Due to this, you might find it hard to develop your own professional network. I have been on Twitter since 2012 and just discovered the infinite possibilities for professional growth this year. This year I discovered the power of the hashtag. Through this, I have been involved in many art education related chats and discovered a lot of great teachers to follow. What is a hashtag you might ask? A hashtag or pound sign is a type of label to allow you to link that subject with anyone else that has added that particular hashtag to their tweet. You can then go and search specific hashtags to see what other people have said in regards to that specific topic. Within the art education hashtag, I have listed a few you might find useful. #arted #artedri #artsed #ArtsEdChat #artedri #artsint #arteacher A quick tip when using the hashtag: it cannot have any spaces or any other symbols used with it.

My favorite part of twitter is the art education related chats. The one that got me hooked was the #k12artchat. This chat is a great way to get started and is moderated by Laura Grundler, an art teacher from Texas, whom I had the privilege to meet at our recent NAEA conference. This art chat has a variety of great hosts and lots of excellent topics. It has been a great way for me to meet art teachers across from the nation.

Most recently, I have started the #wiartchat through the Wisconsin Art Education Association. This has been a great way for art teachers to connect in the state of Wisconsin as well as across the nation. If you are unsure of how to start or join a chat, follow these simple steps set up by Laura Grundler:

I really hope you can join us for our next chat! If you have any other chats you would recommend, feel free to comment below.